What is Viagra Super Active?

Viagra Super Active is a generic medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). It is a form of sildenafil citrate, which is the active ingredient in Viagra. Viagra Super Active is manufactured by Ajanta Pharma.

What are the benefits of Viagra Super Active?

The main benefit of Viagra Super Active is that it is a cheaper alternative to Viagra. It is also said to have a faster onset of action and to be more effective.

How does Viagra Super Active work?

Viagra Super Active works by relaxing the blood vessels in the penis, which allows more blood to flow into the penis. This results in an erection.

How do I take Viagra Super Active?

Viagra Super Active comes in a tablet form. The usual dose is 50 mg, but it can be increased or decreased depending on your response. It is taken orally, with or without food, about 1 hour before sexual activity.

What are the side effects of Viagra Super Active?

The most common side effects of Viagra Super Active are headache, flushing, and upset stomach. These are usually mild and resolve on their own. Serious side effects are rare but can include priapism (an erection lasting longer than 4 hours), vision changes, and sudden hearing loss. If you experience any of these side effects, seek medical help immediately.

Does Viagra Super Active interact with any other medications?

Viagra Super Active can interact with other medications, so it is important to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking, including over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and herbal supplements.

Where can I buy Viagra Super Active?

Viagra Super Active is available online. You can buy Viagra Super Active from an online pharmacy.

How much does Viagra Super Active cost?

The cost of Viagra Super Active varies depending on the online pharmacy you use.

When is Viagra Super Active going to be available?

Viagra Super Active is already available.

Viagra Super Active 150mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
150mg × 10 caps$4.5$44.96+ Viagra
150mg × 30 caps$2.65$79.39$55.49+ Levitra
150mg × 60 caps$2.18$131.03$138.73+ Cialis
150mg × 90 caps$2.03$182.67$221.97+ Viagra
150mg × 120 caps$1.95$234.31$305.21+ Levitra
150mg × 180 caps$1.88$337.59$471.69+ Cialis
150mg × 270 caps$1.82$492.5$721.42+ Viagra
150mg × 360 caps$1.8$647.42$971.14+ Levitra

Viagra Super Active 130mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
130mg × 10 caps$4.33$43.28+ Cialis
130mg × 30 caps$2.55$76.42$53.42+ Viagra
130mg × 60 caps$2.1$126.13$133.55+ Levitra
130mg × 90 caps$1.95$175.84$213.68+ Cialis
130mg × 120 caps$1.88$225.55$293.81+ Viagra
130mg × 180 caps$1.81$324.97$454.07+ Levitra
130mg × 270 caps$1.76$474.1$694.46+ Cialis
130mg × 360 caps$1.73$623.23$934.85+ Viagra

Viagra Super Active 100mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
100mg × 10 caps$4.09$40.86+ Levitra
100mg × 30 caps$2.4$72.14$50.43+ Cialis
100mg × 60 caps$1.98$119.07$126.07+ Viagra
100mg × 90 caps$1.84$165.99$201.71+ Levitra
100mg × 120 caps$1.77$212.92$277.35+ Cialis
100mg × 180 caps$1.7$306.77$428.64+ Viagra
100mg × 270 caps$1.66$447.55$655.56+ Levitra
100mg × 360 caps$1.63$588.33$882.49+ Cialis

Viagra Super Active 50mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
50mg × 10 caps$3.85$38.48+ Viagra
50mg × 30 caps$2.26$67.94$47.5+ Levitra
50mg × 60 caps$1.87$112.14$118.74+ Cialis
50mg × 90 caps$1.74$156.34$189.98+ Viagra
50mg × 120 caps$1.67$200.54$261.22+ Levitra
50mg × 180 caps$1.61$288.93$403.71+ Cialis
50mg × 270 caps$1.56$421.52$617.44+ Viagra
50mg × 360 caps$1.54$554.11$831.17+ Levitra

Viagra Super Active 25mg

PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder
25mg × 10 caps$3.7$36.96+ Cialis
25mg × 30 caps$2.18$65.26$45.62+ Viagra
25mg × 60 caps$1.8$107.71$114.05+ Levitra
25mg × 90 caps$1.67$150.16$182.48+ Cialis
25mg × 120 caps$1.61$192.61$250.91+ Viagra
25mg × 180 caps$1.54$277.52$387.76+ Levitra
25mg × 270 caps$1.5$404.87$593.05+ Cialis
25mg × 360 caps$1.48$532.22$798.34+ Viagra
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